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Need a new website design? Get started here.

Want a new website? No idea where to start? Lets look at what is required.

1)  What do you want from your new website?

What do you want your website to do? Spend some time thinking what do you want to achieve from your website? What outcome will define success
eg. I want a site which lists my services and easily allows my potential client to order from me.

2)  Who is your website aimed at?

Who is your target market? Once you understand your target market, you can set the tone, voice and approach for the website.
eg. My target market is mothers of young children. So we want to the site to be bright, colourful and fun!

3)  Do you have well-written content? And fantastic, high-quality images?

Content and imagery will make or break your website. It is imperative to have a well-written story to guide your viewer through the journey of your website. We’d highly recommend that a website copywriter writes your content. This is also vital for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) which is how Google and other search engines find your website.

Great imagery means good quality (high resolution), copyright complaint imagery (you can’t just take it from Google image search, or another website). We’ll chat to you about how we can assist you with new imagery – whether it’s purchased stock imagery, or a photo shoot!

4)  Do you have a site map?

Do you know what a sitemap is? Basically, it’s a guide to how your website works. Halo will give you a sitemap guide that you can use to figure out what pages you want, where you want them, and what you want on them. This map will help to guide how your website will function and how your visitors will navigate your site.
eg. Home  |  About us  |  Service  |  Products  |  Contact us

5)  Will your site sell anything?

Do you want an e-commerce site? Do you want to sell any products, or will your site be more focused on being informative? Even if you don’t plan on having an e-commerce website now, it’s worth discussing your future plans at the start of the website planning phase to allow for future growth.

6)  Do you want a product catalogue?

This could range from a simple downloads section, to an ‘almost’ e-commerce site, with lots of products, but you don’t actually purchase from the site. We can help you set up a full product catalogue which you can edit yourself if you want to.

7)  Do you want any fancy stuff on your site?

Haha, what is fancy stuff? Basically anything which is non-standard. Standard being a normal page, with up to 1000 words, up to 5 pictures and up to 5 links / downloads. Anything outside of that will now need to be dealt with separately. So it’s vital that you explain exactly what you want, upfront so that we can include it in your original estimate.

8)  Do you have the time to put into your new website?

This is vital. You’ll need to be able to commit the time and resources to working with us to achieve a successful website. Delays in feedback or content will result in delays to your website, and will most likely end up costing more. So we’ll help you avoid this with putting together a schedule of agreed dates, milestones and responsibilities so that you can end up a with a successful new website – designed on time and on budget!

Are you ready for your new website? You can read more about planning your website design here.

Excellent! So are we! The next step is a discovery consultation where we can fully understand your needs and provide the guidance for the way forward.

Contact Halo today for your new website!