How to proof check your content and grammar

How to proof check your content

Spelling and Grammar are crucial for a professional brand. Here is a list to check against:

  • Make sure that the body copy and headings of the document have been spell checked.
  • Ensure that all job titles are correct and spelt correctly.
  • Check the spelling of countries, cities and place names (including site names).
  • Verify the correct spelling of people’s names, especially with other languages.
  • If information remains to be inserted at the last minute, highlight the omission prominently so that it is not forgotten.
  • Do not use “&” in the body copy of a formal document, use “and” as it is more professional.
  • Are the correct words capitalised? (names, places, months, weekdays). Are there words that have been unnecessarily capitalised?
  • Spell out numerals at the beginning of sentences (e.g. Eleven years ago). After that, spell out one through nine and use numbers for 10 or above.
  • Use abbreviations sparingly, make sure your audience knows what your abbreviation means. Do not abbreviate words like thank you (thanx), document (doc), technical (tech). Countries must be written out in full eg. Mozambique not Moz, South Africa not SA.
  • Make sure employee names are updated with correct job descriptions. Contact details are correct (telephone number, cellphone number, address, email).
  • Has someone else proof read your document? If the body copy is in a language other than English, please make sure the copy has been read by someone else who is fluent in that language.
  • If you have used numbering, please make sure that the correct numbers follow each other and the numbering is consistent.
  • Do not enter two letter spaces between sentences.
  • Make sure your sentences are not too long.
  • Make sure there is consistency e.g. full stops after bullet points.
  • Avoid using the world ‘very’ too often.
  • Use exclamation marks sparingly.
  • Don’t use commas that are not necessary.
  • The term i.e. means “that is”; e.g. means “for example.”